Q: What are your office hours?
A: Our office hours are 7:30 am to 4:00 pm CST Monday through Friday.
You can contact us at 501-428-3646 or office@bandapm.com.
After hours, please feel free to leave a message or email us!
If you have any questions or concerns about your lawn, please do not hesitate to call the office.
Q: How much do lawn applications cost?
A: We base our service price on the square footage of your turf areas.
We aim to have proposals to you within 48 hours of your request!
Q: Are the applications safe for my children and pets?
A: All of our applications exceed EPA Safety Standards. We recommend that children and pets stay off of the yard after an application, until it is dry (about 30 minutes).
This is an additional safety measure in case of allergies (even dogs can have allergies). This is a personal decision. Some clients leave their dogs out, while others put them in the garage or house when we are there.
Q: Do I have to be home when you are on my property?
A: Not at all. We can send estimates and invoices via email. We'll leave a door hanger to give you watering and mowing instructions. If you need to know when we are coming out to unlock a gate or put up your animal, we can call you the day before to let you know.
Q: How many times per year do you come out?
A: Our standard lawn application program consists of 6 treatments per year – one about every 6-8 weeks, weather pending. It is a delicate science that involves soil temperatures, air temperature and growing seasons. You can customize this to fit your needs and budget. Our maintenance crew can service your property once a week, every other week, or as needed.
Q: When can I expect to see results?
A: Depends on the application. Some apps are targeting weeds before they can pop up, some are only to control weeds after they appear. It takes a full year with all 6 applications to see the optimal results, but you will see dramatic results after as little as 2 applications.
Q: When is the best time to aerate and what does it do for my yard?
A: The best time for aeration is during the growing season, when the grass can heal and fill in any open areas after soil plugs are removed. Ideally, aerate the lawn with cool season grass in the early spring or fall and those with warm season grass in the late spring. Aeration opens up the soil, allowing air and water penetration into the root zone of the grass. This process loosens compacted soil and improves root development thereby helping develop a stronger more stress resistant plant and improved thickness in the lawn.
Q: What is lime and when is the best time to apply?
A: Lime helps modify the acidity in the soil and allows the grass to absorb and use fertilizers more efficiently. It also supplies calcium to the grass which is an important nutrient for the photosynthesis process. Typical soils in this area are acidic. We like to apply lime treatments twice a year; once in the early Spring, and once at the beginning of Fall, because the lime application treats your soil, not your grass. You are preparing for more optimal conditions for grass growth and lime can burn growing grass so you want to apply it as the growing season begins and comes to a close.
Q: Why am I still seeing weeds after a Pre-Emergent application?
A: The biggest reason for Pre-Emergent failure is not watering in the chemical. A pre-emergent requires ¼ – ½” water to be effective.
Q: Why am I still seeing weeds after my application, and I signed up after Round 1?
A: Round 1 contains a Pre-Emergent (meaning to kill the weed before it germinates). If you did not receive Round 1, we cannot guarantee that weeds will not appear after services. Our next several applications contain a Post-Emergent (chemical to control weeds once they’ve broken the soil surface). We can always kill the weeds when we see them with every application thereafter, but cannot prevent them from appearing. Also, weather plays a vital role in weed growth. If we are having an unusually cool, wet Spring, weeds will be more dominant. The warmer weather helps kill a lot of the cool weather weeds, but if the temperatures do not reach a steady 90 degrees and been relatively rainy, it is only feeding the cool weather weeds.
Q: What am I, as the property owner, responsible for doing after a service to ensure my lawn is receiving the best care?
A: We will leave a door hanger (for email customers, contract customers, and paid in full customers) or an invoice at your door the day of service. Specific instructions are check marked on it. It could be keeping children and pets off of lawn until dry, water in chemical, raise mower height, or do not mow for at least 24 hours. If you have any questions concerning your application, do not hesitate to contact us.
Q: What weeds are not covered under the lawn application program?
A: Certain weeds require a more potent chemical that requires shorter application intervals than others. These weeds include, but are not limited to, crabgrass, poa annua, dallisgrass, Johnsongrass, nutsedge and wild garlic. If you are seeing these weeds, we can help eradicate them, but we cannot guarantee it within our 6-Round treatment system. Other weeds require all 6 applications in a systematic control program to treat, such as dandelion and dollarweed.
Q: How quickly will I see results?
A: For a Post-Emergent application, you should see the weeds start to die in approximately a week. It takes time and sunlight for the plant to absorb the chemical to its roots.
Q: What is wrong with my yard if I am seeing brown spots?
A: Inform the office immediately if you are seeing brown spots. This is a good indicator of a fungus. We can apply a fungicide to ease the symptoms, but please keep in mind we cannot completely eradicate a fungus. It takes a plant, pathogen and environment to let a fungus flourish. We can suppress it, but cannot get rid of it. Some fungi, such as dollar spot can be corrected with a high nitrogen application. Also keep in mind, if you have a lot of shade in your yard, the grass cannot grow without sunlight. This can be corrected with a shade loving flower bed installation.
Q: Why do certain problems only occur in my back yard and not the front yard or vice versa?
A: Just because a front yard and back yard are on the same property, there’s no guarantee they will have the same problems. And there can be any number of reasons for this. Perhaps the airflow isn’t as good in the back yard because there is a fence and a more significant landscape there. Maybe the grass in the front yard is different than what’s in the backyard, or the soils might even be different on various sides of the house. Any of these differences could lead to problems in one area but not the other. Just because it’s on the same lot of land, doesn’t mean the soil is the same. The home builder could’ve even had different topsoil brought in for both areas.
Q: How long should it take to apply the chemicals each Round?
A: We have specific tasks we are doing on each visit. Our equipment is calibrated to provide the proper rate, our vehicle is fully loaded for our day’s work, and we are well-organized, resulting in an efficient use of our time. This is all dependent on what round, chemical and size of yard, etc.